Line, le journal des chics filles n° 196 (1960)
Line, le journal des chics filles n° 196 (1960)

The three most important biographies written by :
* Tania Szabo
* Susan Ottaway
* Rubeigh James Minney

Stuart Outred wrote a book on the circumstances of Violette Szabo's arrest at Salon-la-Tour on 10 June 1944. Published in June 2021, for the 100th Violette's birthday.
To pruchase it :
Directly from the author via email with a delivery address.
The book is priced at £15, plus postage. Paypal accepted.

The following books devote a chapter to Violette :
Beryl E. Escott, The Heroins of SOE, The History Press, 2010

Philip Vickers, Das Reich,
Pen & Sword, 1999

Robert Maloubier, SOE Hero,
Bob Maloubier and the French Resistance
The History Press, 1999

Sarah Helm, Vera Atkins, A Life in Secrets
Abacus Publishing, 2006

Max Hastings, Das Reich,
Pan Publishing, 2009

Kate Vigurs, Mission France,
Yale University Press, 2021
Erika Robuck, Sisters of Night and Fog, Penguin Random House, 2022